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Posts posted by bignev

  1. Hiya scufgp, but how long ago was it you last checked the coolant?


    Yes, I realise in an ideal world they would not use / lose any, but this a grand voyager we're talking about!!


    Mine lost about 3.5 litres on the way to Blackpool last year, around 60 miles, but then didn't lose a drop on the way home. Water pump was the guilty party in my case.

    I spotted it starting to drip under the car as we we're about to set off, but we were having a bit of a tough time with a terminal family illness then so I thought "I am taking my girls away for the weekend - it can die if it wants and come back on a GreenFlag flat back". But I topped it up at the B&B in the morning, went to the zoo, drove home and it was still full.......

  2. Oh I agree with you that disturbing things on these can upset them, mine definitely is an ungrateful begger rather too often when I fix something......


    From my very few visits to forum.com there does appear to be a fair number of guys with the 2.8 diesel, including our very good regulars andyb2000 and Qinteq, I've certainly seen several references regarding the thermostat mod, and charging button mod.

  3. Hi maxcaddy!

    I haven't come across this problem on this forum that I remember, but the fact the red alarm light comes on, I think could be that it thinks it's lost "ignition on" power..


    I don't reckon there are any regulars on here that wouldn't help if they'd had the same problem. Unless they are on holiday and not here at the moment of course.

    Have you had a search on the american ".com" rather than .co.uk forum?


    And it's a Grand Voyager! There's a whole big list of stuff that's quite likely to cock up. Sadly. The forum has lots of them! Mostly probably not at all related to a radio head unit though.


    But I suppose it's not impossible you've got a duff head unit.


    By way of a blind guess, and nothing to lose by giving it a go, have you tried removing the "IOD" Ignition Off Draw fuse for 15 to 20 minutes?

    It resets stuff like door locking, or unlocking, or I had rear lights out, or remote alarm not responding, and other stuff.


    Or feed wiring to the back of the unit?


    I've had 3 over the last 7 years, for 3 years in the middle I had 2 at once. Must be daft. But I have avoided the purely diesel problems by not having one.

  4. Hi there,

    It could still possibly be a broken wire inside the insulation, sometimes difficult to feel.

    Especially if the lock / unlock still work.


    When testing with a multimeter you might just have the cable in a position that gives enough "touch" to make a continuity test work.


    I'm not sure, but I think the wiring plugs would be different for left / right or you could try swapping that over too.

  5. As an experiment do you have a partner / wife or other significant other / life sharer (you have to be so careful these days!) that could take it for a drive with you sat in the back row?


    For you to try to gauge if there if is actually a problem with the car.

    Or is it that the kids have reached an age that they get travel sick?

    My Mrs says she was fine on their yearly drive down to Weymouth / Geurnsey from Stockport until she hit about 11, then suffered travel sickness really badly in the back of a car.

  6. Hiya pal!

    If I remember rightly, yours is a petrol like mine so should have the rear climate system, are you using to maintain fresh air when they're in the back row?


    But having sat in the 3rd row of hours on occasion with the Mrs driving, it isn't as comfortable as the front or middle, I definitely felt bounced about over bumps as you're sat on the axle.


    Then again ours are only 6, and quite happy in the back as a novelty on occasion.

  7. Hi there!


    Yep if it's the usual culprit it will be one of the wires in the caterpillar track at the bottom, had enough and broken. 


    Gets to a certain point then stops, had it on the drivers side on one of mine, but as my electrical soldering isn't up to my pipe soldering abilities it failed again, twice!!


    So I surrendered and got a new one from the States, shame I'm rubbish or it would have saved me over a hundred quid!!


    Mine has the side crash sensor, without it there were several 2nd hand on ebay.


    Does it still use the cinch motor to pull the door closed the last tiny bit?

  8. Good idea if you're over there!


    Sadly most of us aren't, so shipping is a no choice situation - wherever in the US, or world even, it's from. For a fair few parts I've had it was still well under UK prices. 

    Like 2 ignition coils for £50. £70 each at motor factors. And having had a Blueprint one fail after a year I thought I'd get a standby for the £16.75 they were.


    I'm sure it wouldn't work out for bigger / heavier items, a mid section silencer for my 3.3 stow n go was £250 carriage, strangely I didn't go for it !!


    Moparwholesale are another one I've looked at, but rockauto had more choice than just OEM obviously.

  9. They are listed as an option on the rockauto site so should be fine.


    On a mechanical point, as long as the plug thread doesn't protrude in past the head they shouldn't be a problem. If it does then after a while, when there is carbon build up on the tread, removing the plugs could damage the thread in the head.

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