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Chrysler Grand Voyager LTD 2006



Chrysler Grand Voyager LTD 2006 CRL 2.8


Hello, I am the happy owner of this Voyagere but it has a few foults/errors.

The ABS light is on and no one can find the cause. At first it turned on and after some time it went out, now it is on all the time. Anyone have an idea?

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First of all I have to ask what does "no one can find the cause" actually mean ?. If the full resources of a competent Garage with expertise on GVs can't tell you what's gone wrong, then the chances of someone on here offering a workable solution, will be very remote. Conversely if the guy next door whose only ever owned new Nissans hasn't got a clue, then here's a thought or two :).

If you have a code reader, then the onboard diagnosis system should tell you what's wrong, but you'll need to use a reader that has the optional ABS program (or a garage which has one), as well as the standard diagnosis.

That said, a very common failure mode is one of the front ABS sensors. They've failed twice on mine (in 8 years) and I found that it was easier to order both off of eBay ~ £30-40, than to guess which one it was. If it's not one of those, it could be the rear sensors or a more indepth ABS module issue, which on a 2006 V'ger is probably the death knell :(.



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problem still not solved. One claims the pump, the other one that the alternator charging is too low. I replaced it with a new alternator. Same readings 13.85V under load and 2.5 RPM 13.65V. I also have a P1790 error here and Chanel 7 Short Circuit Low, Chanel 7 short circuit high and shorted together. Please help. I will be extremely thankful

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I'm sure you've looked it up, but P1790 is a transmission code.

I thought 14.4v was a good charging voltage, but not too far away on what you have anyhow. And if there's no alternator light then I'd GUESS the car thinks it's acceptable. 

So unfortunately you still need to obtain a code read of the ABS fault to move forward or it's all guess work. It won't necessarily tell you what IS up, but may point in a direction. Many code readers will NOT read ABS as Maxcaddy said, which is possibly why the one you've used didn't see it.

Edited by bignev
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P1790 was when I change the oil in the gearbox (automatic) Now does not pop up.  Could you recommend a workshop that hve code reader suitable for my car and that could test the ABS correctly. I have also on Channel 7 short circuit Low, Highe and Shorted together.  Maybe know which cable it is?  Maybe this is the cause of the ABS problems?


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I had this with my last voyager , I purchased a creader CRP 123 code reader .it tells you what sensor is faulty ,IE left front sensor no reading . speed each wheel is doing while you are driving ,( if it doesn't read a certain wheel , it is obvious.) allows you to reset codes , a bit expensive, but any good garage should have similar equipment. I'm not a garage but mess around with a few cars and this has paid for itself many times over. I bought it when a garage billed me £60 to tell me an abs pump was faulty . And £150 for the reader. would save me in the long run. And it has

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