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Everything posted by ben

  1. We need to get the word out! And in the world of internetting, this means getting our links published. So, a request to all our members - if ever you're on a site where it might be relevant to do so, let the people know about our new community Deep linking is preferable if relevant (so if you were posting on a Grand Voyager site for example, use the http://www.chryslerforum.co.uk/forum/16-chrysler-grand-voyager/ link instead of just the homepage). If you need to upload an image to go with the link, for now, we have this one: (click to make it full size) The more links we have, the more people who will find us - and the more useful we become... so... go forth and spread the word! (Even if it's just your own personal homepage, every little helps )
  2. Oh! Let me know if you're going to be about again, you can collect some flyers from me :-)
  3. Remember though, you may not need a garage - post up any problems in our Ypsilon section and someone might be able to solve it for you
  4. Hey John, welcome to the forum Hopefully it will give you many happy years of motoring - but don't worry, if it does develop a fault, we'll be here to help
  5. He did suggest that, but then, by the time we got to the bottom, I reckon the locals would have made off with everything!
  6. I saw a load more on the way back from B&Q - the older ones though, not the new ones.
  7. Seems like Clapham is the place to be if you're a GV driver - there are 4 in Thurleigh road alone. If you're reading this "Hello" - or if you just found a flyer under your windscreen (which I haven't made yet, so that'll be a couple of days) - then thanks for signing up
  8. Ah we parked near the pavilion, £10 for 9 hours I think?
  9. On the road to Brighton now, hope the weather is as nice as yesterday...
  10. Just back from Morden park, I'm happy, Subway sell breaded chicken sandwiches, awesome!
  11. You know, incase you like that sorta thing http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Chrysler-Ypsilon-2011-Sales-Brochure-/380892540440?pt=UK_CarParts_Vehicles_Manuals_Litterature_ET&hash=item58aef6ee18
  12. I just realised, they didn't have Photoshop back then did they? So did they actually make one of those?
  13. Fair enough - I'm going to head off to the gym for a bit now actually, the pot can wait.... enjoy your Monday!
  14. Doing a bit of work on the forum here, then off to the garden center to get my mom a plant pot - what a wonderful birthday gift haha.. You should go out and give some Neon love!
  15. I'm pleased to announce our newest "feature" (can you call it that?) to the board - drum roll....... The Chrysler Forum Member of the Month Award - hurrah! It's pretty simple, you get points for different actions you complete on the forum (new posts, replies, likes etc) and at the end of each month, we'll add them all together and whoever has the highest wins £20 direct to their Paypal account (so technically, maybe it's not quite cash...) It's that easy. Basically just keep on using and interacting with the forum and there's a good chance you'll get paid for it It's even easier at the moment, as we're new, not a lot of people are posting yet, so should be pretty easy to snag the May prize! So, for current members, get your post counts up - and for anyone else who is just reading - join up, start posting and try and snap up that cash Good luck!
  16. Haha, they seem quite small though, so I'm sure you can get a bit of a pickup in it
  17. So the back wheel of the detached bit folds up inside it? How on earth could that be strong enough???
  18. Had this issue on the camper I rented last month - same as Alan says, just needed a bit of a clean
  19. Wow - you'll trust your daughter with a brand new car! My dad only let me learn to drive in his as it was nearly dead....
  20. You'd think it would be simple - everything packed up in advance, all you need to do is go and rent a truck, take everything down to it (fatal miscalculation there, I'm on the 5th floor with no elevator) - then drive it 30 mins to its destination... That's it. I'd allowed 2 hours - 30 mins to get the truck, 45 mins to pack, 30 mins to move it, then 15 or so to get back... But no.... 2 hours - 2 HOURS! Just to walk up and down the stairs to fill it - followed by a 2 HOUR traffic jam to take it across the bridge.... Unloading - 15 mins. And the drive back (by which time the road was clear) - 25 mins. Add on some faffing about and everything and the total time was 6 hours. My friend hates me - I told him I only had 4 boxes. As you can clearly see, I did - 3 white and 1 blue .... plus everything else... Haha...
  21. Cool, it would be awesome if you could make a photo guide for it too!
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