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Switch Lighting?



Hi guys. Several switches on my 2006 GV have lamps out on several switches. Rear wiper etc and also the cruise control buttons on the steering wheel. 

Can these lamps be replaced or do you need to replace the entire switch module?

If they can be replaced, can some kind soul explain how to do it please?

Thanks in advance



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Hi mrtibbs,


this one comes up quite a few times, although I'm working off a 2004/2005 edition here so not sure if they changed up in 2006 (The cruise control buttons on steering wheel don't have illumination in 2004/2005 so did they ever work on yours?).


Most of the illumination is done by bulbs DIRECTLY SOLDERED onto the switch boards (How forward thinking Chrysler!), so to replace you have to either replace the entire switch module (Potentially expensive and I'd say not the way to go), the other way is to open up the switch module, desolder the old incandescent bulb and put in LEDs instead.

It's a little fiddly and finding the right LEDs to use is key as you need 12v and also they need to be small/slim enough to go on the board as there isn't a lot of space in there.


These items from ebay look an interesting alternative: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/QUALITY-9v-12v-DC-3528-LED-SUPAFLEX-LIGHTING-STRIP-MODEL-RAILWAY-N-OO-HO-O-GAUGE-/151025926614?var=&hash=item2329d8c1d6:m:m9Xse9CJ-KFSApIIPatZcMA


They're 12v and on a strip, so a strip of 2 might do the job. I've not ordered any yet but going to and see what they're like, and at £2.80 worth a go I reckon if you're up for a bit of soldering. Just take the centre console out (as though you're getting at the radio), then along the top of the piece you've removed (with the wooden panelling) at the top is the switch module. Click the back off it (a few well placed flat screwdrivers and gentle prising action) and you'll get the switch module (Careful. There are springs in there, so do it somewhere you can watch how it fits together so they don't go flying).

Inside you'll see the bulbs in question. The circuit board then lifts out (pull it forward don't wiggle left to right as the pins that go to the connection at the back go through holes in the plastic and if you wiggle too much they'll snap which is an even more tricky solder repair job). Once out desolder and replace.

Remember, LEDs are sensitive to polarity, so you'll need to test using a multimeter which rail is positive and which is negative and solder the LEDs in the right way round.


Hope that helps, let me know if you want any more info as I've done quite a few of these now, though not yet done a video on it! (Video in my sig show how to get at radio if you need it).

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Hi,  I recently had the same problem with the heated seats/rear wiper switches.


Following andyb's instructions I fitted some LED's I had acquired years ago for a different car and had never used.  I have got them all fitted and they are a nice bright blue!  When I get chance later I will upload a pic.


Sorry didn't get back to you Andy to say I had got it done, but this is the first chance I have had to get back on the forum.  Many thanks for your help. :D

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Hi Steve,


Yes, I've done the lot! The overhead are similar to the heated seats, same principle and same little circuit board to struggle with, but again not a mega pain.


The climate control, that one is a whole different story, I had a go at this on my old GV. You have to take the whole module apart (There is a lot of old style electronics in there, and the delicate VFD so be careful when you open it. I think it was hex screws but it's a while back so not 100% sure). When you have it open you'll see the illumination bulbs.

Now for the warning. I never managed to replace these successfully WITHOUT causing a display malfunction or the LEDs for blower/direction to indicate incorrectly (I had two or three of the amber LEDs on showing fan speed, randomly) so my conclusion was that the bulbs were sinking current which was key for that board to function. Replacing them out with LEDs it didn't like much so caused those anomalies. I gave up at that point, removed the LEDs and the display thankfully went back to fully working, so exactly the issue there I cannot be 100%, but just a word of caution, the climate control might not be one worth tackling!

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