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Everything posted by costellofamily

  1. Hi, I'm new to this forum and hoping someone can help me. I have an 04 voyager. I recently came to start the vehicle and although battery fine and all dash lights coming on, and going off as they should it wouldn't even attempt to fire up. It seemed as though something electronic was overriding the ignition, I thought it could possibly be the immobiliser?? I tried a few times and then put it in neutral and it started straight away. No problems for a few weeks then same thing happened again, but still started in neutral. Again no problems for a few weeks and then a few days ago went on a slightly longer drive than normal (1 hr), parked up and when I returned to vehicle it wouldn't start but this time wouldn't start in neutral either. Messed with alarm, immobiliser, locks etc for good 20 mins but nothing. Eventually called AA but before they arrived tried it again and started up perfectly??? Next day ran about locally and stopped and started 4-5 times with no problem, then yesterday went on day trip to Blackpool (1 hr) and again wouldn't start after parking up. Tried everything we could think of for about 1 hr then left vehicle all day standing. When we returned approximately 4 hrs later it started again!! No idea what is causing the problem but this vehicle was written off due to a minor ding a couple of months ago and so is now only worth £500, which will affect how much it is worth spending. Can anyone give me any tips or DIY solutions to help please???? Thanks so much.
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